As combined birthday and first-anniversary gifts to our son and his wife, we decided to re-do their bedroom. We'd first planned to send them away for the weekend and surprise them with it when they returned, but Nici had to stay and work, so we just barred them from the room while we worked. Our friends Tom, Michelle, and Michelle's daughters Amanda and Ashley, and my sister, Cherryl, came to help.
Nici loves The Lion King and has been wanting a sunset in the colors they used in the movie. I found a mural and some tropical/jungle doodads and gizmos, and we made their room a tropical paradise.

Amanda helped hang the new curtains and we all pitched in to put up the canopy. Ashley and Amanda were our 'gophers' for the project. They unloaded all the goodies from my car, and did a

We added all-new bed linens.