So, it's been awhile, eh? I don't know where the summer went, but here's some of what we did...
We moved from here:

to here:

We did a lot of this:

And Robby is now this big (he will be two years old in September):

We went to help with the fifth-annual Dan Barr Memorial Golf Outing in Hubbard, Ohio.
I finished these for Ross:

and these for Joyce:

A friend sent one daughter off to Denmark to spend a year as an exchange student, and another daughter off to college.
We discovered a couple of great new BBQ joints.
We rode the BigYellowBike (a little).
My sister continues her fight against cancer, while a dear friend began his.
One brother visited from Canada, and the other announced his return home from Florida and Georgia.
We had company from Texas and Kentucky for the weekend of Rich's family reunion.
Rich and some friends replaced the front fork seals and springs in the BigYellowBike.
All in all, a very busy summer.