...to come in out of the rain. How many times have I heard that over the years? I grew up on a farm, and in farming the right amount of rain at the right time is like money in the bank, and so I have always enjoyed a good rain. You can drive the woman off the farm, but you can't drive the farm out of the woman...or something like that.
I mowed today, and it was hot. Not unbearably hot, but hot enough for a Yankee woman like me to raise a sweat. So after mowing for several hours, when it started raining, I checked the sky for lightning, and when I didn't see any sign of that, I decided to stay out and enjoy a nice summer rain. I turned my face to the sky and felt the soft, cooling drops.I had some things to plant, a lilac bush and some strawberry plants. I planted the lilac next to the new back porch and the strawberries around the well head. After I finished my 'farming' chores, I strolled down to the stream to rinse my muddy hands and feet, and then just sat on the bridge for a little while to enjoy the shower.
There is something calming about rain.

The pattern is one of my own devising, and I'm afraid it doesn't show well in these pictures. I like the long color repeats, and I just wanted something to add a little texture without taking away from the stripes. I call the design "Stumbling Blocks" for the little trip-ups that life always seems to throw in my way.

Have a wonderful day, and if it's raining, have sense enough to go out and enjoy it! :D