Girly-girl socks for Andrea and Layla. The cuff pattern was adapted from a design by Janet Rehfeldt. Her pattern was called "Bubble Yum" and I found it in SOCKS! Digest, March, 2003. I cast on double the required stitches to make a little ruffle at the top, and knit a turned-down cuff instead of knitting the pattern down the leg. The yarn was a mixture of special small bits from my sister's sock yarn stash. All four socks were knit at the same time on two circular needles. I think they turned out very pretty, and they're certainly girly! I knitted all four at one time on two circs.
My cousin Jeanie's gift socks had a dropped stitch, so she returned them to me for repair in an enveloped addressed to the Sock Hospital! :) I just love Jeanie! Chuck, what a good choice she was.

Nearly all of our snow melted off in the thaw last week, leaving just a few stray patches here and there. Today we got fresh snow, and in HUGE flakes. I wish you could see how big they were in this picture.
The big SPLAT on my arm was all one snowflake until it landed.
The sunshine last week and warmer temperatures were most welcome, and better than medicine for a winter- and stress-wearied soul. Now for a few more weeks of winter and then spring once again.