An Ode to Fall

The first flakes of snow will soon appear.
I've been knitting, of course. These socks were knit from bits and pieces of yarn that came from my sister's stash. The pattern concept is called "Take 5" and requires that you change yarn colors every five rounds. I knit them for a German group on Ravelry called RestEnd. :- ) I don't speak German and cannot read group posts without running them through an online translater (always a source of amusement!), but they are a friendly and welcoming group, and have made me feel welcome. I have a second pair of Take 5 socks nearly finished, just the toes to knit.
This is another pair of socks from the Big Bag O' Sock Yarn. I think the yarn is from the Schafpate collection. All of the yarn from this collection is completely produced in Germany: German sheep and shepherds, German spinners and dyers. It is lovely yarn, with a wonderful hand and perfect bloom! Each of these socks was knit from one long, unbroken length untangled from the great mass. I've knit two pair so far, and have enough left for another pair or two in this color!
There is a little project currently being knit in the RestEnd group, called "Knubblechen". I can hardly wait to finish a project or two so that I can start knitting along with the ladies! I'll show them here when I've done one or two.
Bundle's cold outside!