Gosh, I guess it's been about a week since my last post. Sorry to worry you, Chelle! All is just fine here. The smoking cessation is coming along nicely. Rich says he's down to maybe 4 or 5 a day, and I haven't had one since Saturday. The meds they have him on for the acid-reflux thing are working well.
I didn't sign up for Olympic knitting, but have been knitting while watching the games (off and on...Rich does still control the remote, LOL). I did some swatching for grandbaby-knitting, and have been working on a new pair of socks in Opal Prisma yellow.
The most wonderful baby bootees book came for me this week, via inter-library loan (thanks, Decatur library!). 50 Baby Bootees to Knit is by Zoe Mellor and the patterns are adorable. And speaking of booties/bootees, one of the shops in the suite where I work is now carrying these. They're Robeez baby shoes and booties, and are they ever cute (but pretty expensive). Little Thor(ina) might get a pair, though!