Gosh, I guess it's been about a week since my last post. Sorry to worry you, Chelle! All is just fine here. The smoking cessation is coming along nicely. Rich says he's down to maybe 4 or 5 a day, and I haven't had one since Saturday. The meds they have him on for the acid-reflux thing are working well.
I didn't sign up for Olympic knitting, but have been knitting while watching the games (off and on...Rich does still control the remote, LOL). I did some swatching for grandbaby-knitting, and have been working on a new pair of socks in Opal Prisma yellow.
The most wonderful baby bootees book came for me this week, via inter-library loan (thanks, Decatur library!). 50 Baby Bootees to Knit is by Zoe Mellor and the patterns are adorable. And speaking of booties/bootees, one of the shops in the suite where I work is now carrying these. They're Robeez baby shoes and booties, and are they ever cute (but pretty expensive). Little Thor(ina) might get a pair, though!
I love the cat picture. And you're knitting is nice too. Glad nothing was wrong. And congrats on doing so well on the nonsmoking campaign. Did you stock up on plenty of candy and mints? Chelle
Hi Chelle,
We did some serious backsliding last evening, due to some family-related stress (no health problems, just stupid extended-family crap), but will be back on the wagon today.
I am, mostly, a companion smoker, so quitting is relatively easy for me as long as I'm not around other smokers. I don't miss it at work or when I'm not watching someone else smoke.
I have one dear friend with whom smoking has always been a big part of our time together -- you know, sitting, drinking coffee and having a cigarette. It's hardest not to smoke when I'm around him.
I have really enjoyed checking out the things you knit - I learned a little a coupel of years ago - but want to advance what I can do. Any suggestions for a good book or video to help me?
Thanks - Stace
Stopping smoking is probably one of the hardest things anyone can kick. (I don't know this from personal experience because I've never smoked). But my husband, who has tremendous will power in everything else, has had one HECK of a time quitting permanently. I think maybe this time he's kicked it for good, but he says it's still a struggle after nearly a year of quitting. So don't give up, hang in there!
so how can we get one of those kitties here?? my elderly remus needs a kitten to keep him perky and to keep al's heart whole as remus ages and fades....
lol... the magic word tonight was
kfozgum. come on! my dentist made me give up gum!
I can mail you one, if you like. Callie, the slutty escape-artist, keeps slipping out JUST before she's weaned the previous litter, and comes back in a week or so, pregnant again. We can't have her spayed as long as she's nursing!
So how many stamps do you think it would take??? (thinking...thinking...) LOL!
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