Heading South This Week...
I am heading out early Tuesday morning for Atlanta to see what's new and cool in the retail world for the store where I work. I'll be visiting the Atlanta Gift Market with my bosses and a co-worker, and then will be home Saturday.

<--- Here are the latest nearly-finished-objects. The first is a pair of socks for our friend, "Polecat," who wanted orange socks to match his Pearl Orange GoldWing. The yarn is Garnstudio's Fabel in color 153, purchased from Astrid's Dutch Obsessions. This is a new yarn for me, and I like it very much, indeed! It has a nice feel and is quite soft. The balls were wound in opposite directions, so Polecat's socks are fraternal, not identical, twins...he'll like that, though! Nothing fancy here, just 6x3 rib on the leg and continuing down the top of the foot. These need just a few more rows of toe-shaping to finish them. I'm hoping to have them done before I leave tomorrow.
The second is a pair of Haley's Roses socks for Haley's mommy, Amber. I ran out of the white Opal yarn, and had to go stash-diving to find enough (I hope!) to finish them. See more about purchasing this pattern at the link above. ALL of the proceeds from its sale are donated to the Children's Neuroblastoma Research organization.
I will need a new project to help keep me sane in Atlanta this week, so I held a contest in my GL1800Riders chat room. I will be knitting a pair of boring black socks (his choice!) for the winner. Pictures to come in a week or so.
See you in a few days!
Oh, Sarah? We're another day closer to spring!
See you in a few days!
Oh, Sarah? We're another day closer to spring!