A bit of this and a bit of that...
I'm not nearly ready for Christmas, but that's nothing new. I have, however, finished a few projects.
A couple of years ago, I knit five pairs of socks for some of my chat room friends. One has yet to wear his, as his wife says 'They're too NICE to wear." Another, however, wore his so much that they were already through at the toes last winter. These lovely blue socks will, I hope, take the place of the worn-out pair. While working the heels and toes, I knitted in a strand of mystery yarn from my sister's stash in the hope that it will help them last longer.
New socks in the mail tomorrow, Kevin!

A bout of hormonally-instigated depression took away my Christmas spirit last week. I had difficulty finding any joy in my heart for those days, but I think I'm on an uphill run again now. For those of you who may not believe in depression, it is real, it is painful, and it is very, very hard to deal with. I have lived with it for forty years and I've learned how to work my way through it, but this episode was a particularly bad one, and I'm glad to be able to see the sunshine again.
This is a terrible time of year for those who struggle with depression. Keep watch on your loved ones. Give a hug when you see it's needed. Try to understand that it's not a sign of weakness, it's not your fault, nor is it theirs, it just is.
Just love them.