Things have been busy. The computer is still not fully fixed, but works off and on. There has been knitting. I've been working on a couple of new sock designs for Friendly Socks v.2, due out this winter. See the Sirius Knitting link to the right for more information on the Friendly Socks pattern books.
One of the new patterns will be a baby sock named "Wee Robby" in honor of our impending grandson. He is due any minute, and we're all anxiously awaiting his arrival. I have a sweater on the needles for him, too.
We haven't done a lot of riding this summer. Have been busy working and trying to keep up with the lawn mowing. Here it is September, and the riding season is nearly over. Well, maybe next year!
Nici and Nick say I never have pictures of them on my blog, so here's one:

This is Nici's Fourth of July cake. She was very proud of it, and it was delicious.
More another day.