Ghosts of Christmas Past
And so, I have put up a tree this year. It's a job that's always filled with emotion, with memories, with so much of my life. Christmas was a very special time when I was a child, and for as long as my mother was alive, but it has become more difficult since her passing some years back.
Last year, it was too much to bear, and I could not bring myself to open those boxes and let the ghosts out.
This year, I decided I had to do it. It was poignant. There were a few tears. I am, however, glad that it is done.
My tree is not 'themed', it is not coordinated, it doesn't play music or look especially stylish. My ornaments are bits and pieces of my life, and each one has meaning.
Here are a few of them:
This one is from my first birthday party, in late November of 1957. My mother bought these Santa ornaments at our local variety store, and each of the children at the party had a little hat with one of these perched atop it. I have two of the Santas left now. They are showing their age, but my tree wouldn't be the same without them!

There are ornaments made by my mom, by my brother-in-law, by my son, by my Cub Scouts, many years ago, by friends, and by me.
This one plays a special Christmas message from Mr. Spock.
And here are two special friends that I had not seen for several years, since we packed them up after our last Christmas at the other house. It was such a joy to find them once again!
Many years ago, when I was much younger, I made dolls. I made them every year for quite a long time, one for each of my nieces. They were not original designs, in fact for each one I used a purchased pattern, but each one had its own individuality.
These were two of the last that I made, after the girls were 'too old' for Aunt Becky's handmade dolls.
Before these, I never made one for myself, and I have no pictures of any of them!
I hope if one of my nieces still has hers and should happen to read this, that they will email me some pictures of their Christmas dolls.
Each one was made with great love and care.
And so, Christmas is coming.
Be well. Be happy.
Next post, coming soon, a giveaway! I have been gifted by a fellow member of Ravelry with a copy of an ebook of knitting patterns inspired by The Hobbit.
Check back soon, and enter to win it for yourself.