The Opal Chatters Yahoo! group has "Topic Tuesday" each week. The moderators pick a topic for everyone to discuss during the coming week. This week's topic was to write a poem about Opal. Here's mine.
Feet Dream of Opal
My feet tread, blessed in socks of Opal,
past the stash in dreams of hope: al-
though steel needles all are filled
with socks for Jen and Nick and Bill,
my lovesick arches long to feel
sweet stitches warm of Crocodil
or Lollipop, Handpaint, Brasil.
So, ever yearning, near they pause, it
seems, to tarry near dark closet
where, in deep, deep slumber rest
the plump, soft skeins, the very best
of Soxie's gleanings. Line my nest
with Opal: there I'll end my quest.
writ by me this 4th day of October, 2005
Disclaimer: I'm not actually knitting socks for anyone named Bill (or Jen or Nick either, sorry guys!), but it rhymes... Oh, I found 2 more skeins of Opal after taking this picture, and I know there's another one around here somewhere. SABLE.