Almost the end of July, and it's been weeks since I've posted. Here are a few pics of what's been happening down on the farm.

{ I finished a pair of socks and mailed them off as a gift. Meilenweitt yarn on size 0 needles, two socks on two circs, Eye of Partridge heel, 4x2 rib continuing down the instep.
{ The old farm saying is "Knee-high by the Fourth of July" and the corn around our house was certainly that!
{ We had a cookout with friends, and watched the fireworks across the field from our house
My brother was here from Canada for several days. He and his girlfriend and their five sons stayed with us. The boys all slept in a tent in our front yard. They had a wonderful time chasing and catching fireflies, which are much more plentiful here in farm country than in the city where they live. Very early Tuesday morning we had a big storm with lots of rain, wind, and a wonderful light show. I had to go out, wake the boys, and rescue them from the collapsing tent. My brother came out to help. Just as we pulled the last peg, the power went out, and all was black for a couple of hours. A great adventure for those city kids!We went to our family reunion and had a wonderful time.
{ My cousin, his son-in-law, and grandson grilled the hot dogs.
{ My son, brother, and brother's girlfriend at the reunion.
Had a baby shower for daughter-in-law, and she got lots of sweet baby loot. She says she'll have to change the baby four times a day to use all the little clothes. No pics, sorry!
The weather has been normal for July. We've had some very hot days, but that's to be expected. Have had more rain than usual, but that's ok. Normally by this time the grass is getting a little crispy, and it's good to see it green instead of brown. Today is a perfect summer's day: clear, sunny sky and a nice cool breeze. We'll probably go out for a ride on the BigYellowBike in a little while.
The seed-corn workers have been in the fields detasseling the female corn, and the crops look very good everywhere around us.
We'll be off for a few days next weekend. We're riding the BYB to Marysville, Ohio for the Honda Homecoming and the Dan Barr Memorial Golf Outing in Hubbard, Ohio. The kids will be here to take care of the dog and cats while we're gone.
Enjoy your day!