...and a sunny pair of socks, too.
I finshed these a week or so ago, but haven't had a chance to post a picture. They're a little looser than I'd like (my fault for adding too much ease to the pattern), but I love them.
The yarn is Opal Prisma and the pattern is unpublished. I knit the socks on size 0 or 1 needles, can't remember which.
I'm using the leftover yarn to knit a pair of socks for little Thor(ina). They're nearly finished and I should have a pic up soon.
We had a lovely weekend: dinner with friends Friday evening, made a road trip Saturday to visit a friend who'd had surgery (he's doing just fine, thanks), had a visit from my Canadian brother and his girlfriend Saturday night, and played in a euchre tournament Sunday. I've included a Wikipedia link for those of you who have never heard of the game. It's a staple in this part of the world, but Rich and I had to teach a lot of non-midwesterners how to play when we were newlyweds living in North Carolina.
Going off to finish my baby sockies now.