Little Thor(ina)'s parents had their ultrasound Monday. They are not ones who appreciate surprises (there's NEVER anything under their Christmas tree, because neither of them can stand to wait), and really, really wanted to find out if it's a boy or a girl. They were very hopeful that the baby would cooperate and show them.
The baby is doing beautifully: very active, has all the requisite limbs and digits, and is just the size for this time in the pregnancy.
I knitted two tiny socks, one pink and one blue. I gave them the appropriate color when we got the news... Guess what ? I still have this one:

In other knitting news, I've finished a test sock for The Book, made progress on the moebius, and started (twice) a tiny Aran sweater for the baby.
I bought some lovely Cascade 200 at the LYS the other day in dark red, navy, and tan for heavy, striped winter socks, as well as a skein of Meilenweitt self-patterning sock yarn in the same colors. I don't know...those colors just seemed to call my name!