Tiny Socks!
These are for my friend, Peggy's, new granddaughter. Quick, easy, and so sweet! I knit them up the other day while midwifing the cat. I used the Basic Sock pattern from Edie Eckman's book, Knit a Dozen Baby Socks. The yarn is, I think, Carnation by LynnH . It was a gift from a friend (Thanks, Laura), and came without a label. That's a quarter there with them, so you can see how tiny they are!
Oh, mama cat and babies are doing well. The midwifing job consists of sitting in the bathroom, and making sure the cat stays in the basket in the closet until the first baby is born, and then just waiting and watching for the rest to come, as she's too busy after that to wander the house. Mama kitty, also known as Callie, the Escape Artist Slutty Cat, is very good at slipping out JUST before each litter of kittens is fully weaned and running off with our wild tomcat. ONE of these days we're going to get her to the vet before she makes her escape. She had four babies this time, two black and two white. She is a very good mommy, though, and always raises beautiful kittens. Anyone looking for a Christmas gift?
Dash and Hershey
Hershey is one of Callie's babies from a previous litter, and Dash (the white one) is Hershey's great-uncle (and the new babies' as well).
The first day at the new job went well, I think. The store is going to be very nice, and will open soon. The owners have a suite of shops, all connected, at the newly rebuilt Davis Mercantile in Shipshewana, Indiana. My shop is called "Back Home Again." Stop in and say hello when you're in town!