"sometimes you find a plug that perfectly fits a hole you have, and it makes everything OK..."
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

We took a little trip on the BigYellowBike to Harrison, Arkansas, October 3-8. There was a gathering there of some of the folks from our bike forum: http://www.gl1800riders.com/. I've been looking forward to this ride for over a year. Many of the folks I talk to in the chat room every evening attend this gathering, and it was my first chance to meet several of them face-to-face.
We started out Tuesday evening as soon as I got home from work, and rode an hour and a half to Logansport, Indiana, to the home of our friends, Ross and Joyce. We stayed the night there, then headed south early Wednesday morning under overcast skies and occasional sprinkles. As always, stopping in advance to put on our rain gear kept us from getting any real rain! The day was spent in good company, burning up the miles and enjoying the ride. We had a little unscheduled side trip down a very

We met up with a lot of my GL1800riders.com chat room friends in Harrison.

<-- John H. from Louisiana,
Galute led us on a beautiful ride through the mountains around Harrison on Saturday. We stopped a few times for pictures and great BBQ before some of the group split off and headed home.

<-- Bass, Arkansas. This little town has a general store/post office, closed now for many years. Mr. Dodson, the proprietor and former postmaster, lives alone there with a number of cats who have their own little house. We spent a lovely hour or so there, enjoying the peaceful view and visiting with Mr. Dodson. I think this was everyone's favorite stop for the day.
We headed for home Sunday morning, sorry to see the gathering end but full of good memories. Our companions once more were Ross, Joyce and Polecat.

We're all looking forward to the next gathering. It can't come soon enough to suit me!
Here's a link to Galute's trip report, for those who want to read more: Harrison, 2007
Galute has a wonderful gift with words, and has posted another trip report about his ride to Alaska this past June with a few of our other friends from the Gold Wing forum. You can see it here: Alaska or Bust

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
It seems I did get SOME knitting done this summer... Clockwise from top left:

1. Blueberry Waffle socks using one strand of Opal Mosaic in color 1112 and one of Opal Uni-Solid in color #20 held together. These socks are a gift for a former co-worker.
2. Crystal Palace sent me some yarn and one of their new circular needles to test. This yarn is Panda Wool, and I think the color is #2101 Rosewater. It's spun from wool and bamboo (yes, bamboo!) and is wonderful to work with. Nice hand, very soft and warm socks that wash up beautifully. I made up the pattern as I went, and knitted both socks at one time using the Magic Loop technique. Thank you to the folks at Crystal Palace and to my good friend Laura for giving them my name as a tester.
3. Not socks that I knitted, but socks knit for me by my sister from Regia. I'm not sure of the color, but think it might be Mini-Ringel color #5219. I LOVE the bright colors and the stripes. Thank you, Cherryl! I taught her to knit socks a couple of years ago, and she's as addicted now as I am.
4. Opal Rodeo color 1159 in K6, P3 ribbing. These socks won me a Viewers' Choice prize at the Sockathon Yahoo! Group. I can hardly wait to see what comes in my prize package... :) Crystal Palace is also supplying the prize yarn for the contest. Thanks to them, again and to all the group members who voted for my socks.
I have been terribly remiss in acknowledging another gift I received this past summer. There's a terrific blog called Good Yarn Karma, where you can sell or trade off your stash, or even just give it away "for Karma". I saw the book Knits from the Heart listed a few months ago. It was being given away for Karma so I asked for it and got it! Very cool blog, and a lot of very nice folks there. I was supposed to mention the blog here when I got the book, but life (and grandparenting!) seems to have gotten in the way.
Hope to finish the blue Rodeo socks soon, and get another project on the needles. We're off on the BigYellowBike to a GoldWing gathering in Harrison, Arkansas in a few days, and I need a good back-of-the-bike knitting project for the trip.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
These past couple of years, our motorcycle has introduced us to many wonderful people. One very special friend is Steve Meadows, a.k.a. "Brobubba" to our group.
Steve is a husband, father, law-enforcement officer, devout Christian, and a very, very good man. His daughter, Mabel, was born with cystic fibrosis, and fought a hard fight for over eighteen years. A little over a year ago Mabel received a double lung transplant, and on her seventeenth birthday she was able to blow out her birthday candles for the first time in her life.
See this link: http://journals.aol.com/kissy1me/UpdatesonMabel/entries/2007/03/15/happy-1st-birthday/1417
Mabel passed on yesterday afternoon. Here is a link to the journal Steve has been keeping to document their journey: http://journals.aol.com/kissy1me/UpdatesonMabel/
Another friend, "Galute," posted this moving message to our motorcycle forum: http://www.gl1800riders.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=92004
So, go. Read. Weep. Hug your children. Thank God for every blessing. And say a prayer for Steve and his family in the hard days to come.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
It's been a busy couple of months, and I've neglected my blog. Sarah reminds me that people worry, so here's an update.
In April, Rich and I went to Falls Creek Falls State Park in Tennessee to meet up with a bunch of our friends from GL1800riders.com. The annual event is called the "Tennessee Lunch Run," and folks come from all over to eat lunch and ride together. We met our friend Ross in southern Indiana and rode the rest of the way with him.
At the park we saw many, many beautiful bikes, and I got to meet several of my chat room friends for the first time. It was good to see our old friends, too. We forgot our camera for the trip, so I don't have many pictures, but here are a few:

And last, but certainly not least, a few pictures of Robby. He grows and changes with every passing minute, and is a great joy to us all!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My mother gave this little Fisher-Price horse to Robby's daddy on his first birthday. Robby is crawling, pulling himself up, and walking around furniture now, so I figured he was ready for "Horsie." The other day I had to run upstairs to get some wrapping paper for a wedding gift, and I made a quick detour into the attic to dig out our old friend. I scrubbed off twenty-odd years of attic splooge and here it is, somewhat yellowed with age, but still in great shape.
Robby is a little unsure of what he is to do with this thing, exactly, but he loves it! I set him on it, and he broke out in a HUGE grin...not that you'd know it from this picture!
I've finished several socks, but can't show most of them to you, because they're samples of the four patterns I'll have in "Friendly Socks, volume 3" and it's too early for sneak peeks. I'll get pics of the others soon (yeah, right...soon, you say?).
We made a little trip on the BigYellowBike to Tennessee in April, and are getting ready to go to Ohio for the Dan Barr Memorial Golf Outing very soon. Will post pics of that when I get a chance.
Hope all who read this are well. I had a little scare a couple of weeks ago, but the second mammogram came back clear as a bell. Make sure the women you love get squished on a regular basis!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Still Alive!
I am a very bad blogger. Here are a few pictures from the past month or so.
Michelle and Robby
Our friend Michelle has told her two teenaged daughters, "NO babies for a very long time!"
We let her play with Robby to help stave off the anticipation of holding her own grandchildren.

A newly-finished pair of socks, of my own design. I call it "No-Count Cables" because you don't have to count the rounds between the cable twists. The yarn is Meilenweit.

Dude and Grandpa
The kids bought Robby some sunglasses, and he loves to wear them. He is very cool and serious when he has them on, and doesn't play with them at all.
"What are YOU lookin' at?"
Lots going on this past month. I am finally back to work full-time, after being laid off and working three part-time jobs since November.
I've finished three designs for Friendly Socks, Book III, and just need to finish writing up the patterns so I can send them off to Laura.
I tested some needles and yarn for Crystal Palace ...mmmmm....bambooooo....
We're planning a short trip in a few days to meet up with some of our motorcycle forum friends in Tennessee.
Yesterday at work I had a wonderful visit from Sheila Winney of Ohio, who will complete a one-year odyssey this week. She has been attempting to break the record for most miles ridden by one woman on one motorcycle in one year. Two major wrecks, a lot of foul weather, and 125,000+ miles later, she will be done on Thursday, April 19th, after which she and her husband will celebrate with a much-deserved vacation and cruise. Sheila and I have been chatting on-line for over a year, but this was the first time we've met in person. It was a great pleasure to finally meet her. She is a lovely, strong, and impressive woman of great humor and she nearly twinkles when she speaks. She took some pictures, and I will post them here when I get them.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I've joined another Yahoo group called DeathBySocks. Everyone in the group knits a pair of socks for someone else. If the person who is knitting for you finishes your socks and mails them off to you, you've been 'assassinated' and must mail the socks you're working on to them to be finished and mailed to their intended recipient. The last one to remain 'alive' is the winner, and will receive a bountiful basket of goodies. I am donating a copy of our book, Friendly Socks, Volume 1 to be awarded to the winner. You can visit Laura's blog, Sirius Knitting, to find out how to order your copies of Friendly Socks, Volumes 1 and 2. Volume 3 is in the works!
Edit later that same day...Sarah says "no way you'll be assassinated..." I guess I forgot to say these socks ARE my assassination socks. They were delivered yesterday, so I have been assassinated, LOL! They are just lovely, knitted from Austermann Step with jojoba and aloe. They are very soft, warm, and beautiful, and were started for me by Marti and finished by SheriO.

Another edit, later that same day... this yarn is Opal, don't remember the collection or color numbers.

Thumbless Mittens
I knitted both of these mittens at one time on two circular size 2 needles.
Cast on 24 stitches in DK weight yarn. Join in a round, being careful not to twist the stitches!
Work in K1 P1 rib for about an inch and a half.
Work in stockinet stitch until the mittens reach the tip of the baby's pinkie finger.
Decrease rounds:
Round 1: Beginning at one edge of the mitten, K1, SSK, knit across to three stitches from the other side, K2 tog, k1. 2 stitches decreased.
Repeat for the other side of the mitten. Round 1 complete.
Round 2: Knit all stitches.
Repeat these rounds until only 8 stitches remain on either side of the mitten (16 stitches total).
Work Round 1 every round until only 4 stitches remain on each side. (8 stitches total). Graft the remaining stitches together, and work in the loose ends. Repeat for the second mitten. Finished, and ready to warm those precious wee fingers!
I did not swatch for gauge, and don't have the mittens here to tell you what my gauge was, so you're on your own there! Feel free to contact me if you have problems with this pattern.