Socks in the mail, WisconSocks, FrigNsocks...
Finished Objects:
Polecat's socks in the mail to Ohio...Check!
Amber's Haley's Roses socks in the mail to Ohio...Check!
MrWoody's winning ChatRoom socks in the mail to Wisconsin...Check!
Sorry, no pictures of those...forgot to get out the camera before mailing. You can see Polecat's and Amber's socks in a previous post. MrWoody's socks were plain black, worsted weight in KnitPicks yummy 100% superwash merino Swish, knit 6, purl 3 rib...
On the needles: second-place chat room socks for our friend FrigNbored (John) in Louisiana in this lovely grayish-greenish-beigish cotton and wool blend from Astrid's Dutch Obsessions . This is very nice yarn to work with, soft, warm, and just enough color to keep them interesting without being too 'wild.' I wish the color would show up better in the photo. The dark stripes are forest green, and the background is a greenish beige. I like it!
Finished Objects:
Polecat's socks in the mail to Ohio...Check!
Amber's Haley's Roses socks in the mail to Ohio...Check!
MrWoody's winning ChatRoom socks in the mail to Wisconsin...Check!
Sorry, no pictures of those...forgot to get out the camera before mailing. You can see Polecat's and Amber's socks in a previous post. MrWoody's socks were plain black, worsted weight in KnitPicks yummy 100% superwash merino Swish, knit 6, purl 3 rib...

The pattern: Cast on 72 stitches for each sock. Your stitch count may vary. This is based on a gauge of about 8-9 stitches per inch, minus 10% for negative ease, for a foot measuring ten inches around at the ball of the foot.
Work in K1, P1 rib for two inches or so, then switch to K7, P2 rib for 8 inches.
Work Eye-of-Partridge stitch over half the stitches for the heel flap, turn heel, pick up gussets, work gusset decreases until back to 72 stitches. Work round and round until the foot is 2 to 2-1/2 inches shorter than the length of the foot to the end of the longest toe. Work toe decreases, graft toes, and done!
The buying trip to Atlanta was great fun! We walked, walked, walked, bought, bought, bought, ate good food, and laughed together until we were too sore to laugh any more. Plus! two flights (and I LOVE to fly), and a little touch of slightly warmer weather. Now to figure out where we're going to put all the new stuff that will be coming into the stores soon...