Tennessee for Lunch
We'd been looking forward to meeting up with new friends and old at Fall Creek Falls State Park in Tennessee all year. It would be Rich's third Tennessee Lunch Run, and my second. This winter was long, cold, and very, very snowy and the BigYellowBike had been hibernating ever since we returned from the Harrison Gathering. There was so much going on, though, that we really thought we were going to have to cancel.
Rich and I were incredibly stressed from the ongoing construction at our new home, among other things, and eager to see our riding friends. It was long past time for a ride! I had made our reservation months ago and all that was left to do was to pack up and go. At the very last minute, we decided we needed to get away. Rich changed the rear tire on the bike while I finished packing, and we headed out.
We met Ross and Steve (5ross and Polecat) and Wayne (BlueStreek) in Madison,IN, Thursday evening, then headed for Tennessee Friday morning.
John from Alabama on the left, Rick (the infamous YellowWolf) on the right.
Friday afternoon we made it safe and sound to Madisonville, TN, and had a great evening of BBQ and catching up with a great bunch of folks.
Saturday morning we headed out to the park in a light rain, but the sky soon opened up, the sun shone, and we stopped to take off our rain gear.
After a meet-and-greet time in the parking lot at the Inn and a great lunch buffet (more BBQ,because if you're in the South, you just HAVE to eat BBQ!), we stood around and chatted some more.
I won a prize...a new visor for my helmet, being presented to me here by Chris (ClosetChef), the sponsor of the Lunch Run.
Then the crowd broke up and we went off to ride the beautiful Tennessee and Kentucky roads. The highlight was a twisty mountain road where at times you could see four turns of the pavement below you. There was more rain, but when you're riding with good friends, a little precipitation is no problem.
Saturday night we stayed in Cave City, KY, then all split up Sunday morning to head for home. Our destinations included Michigan, Indiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Kentucky. Thank you to the GL1800Riders forum, the RidersRally forum, and ClosetChef for bringing us all together for a few hours!
We'd been looking forward to meeting up with new friends and old at Fall Creek Falls State Park in Tennessee all year. It would be Rich's third Tennessee Lunch Run, and my second. This winter was long, cold, and very, very snowy and the BigYellowBike had been hibernating ever since we returned from the Harrison Gathering. There was so much going on, though, that we really thought we were going to have to cancel.
Rich and I were incredibly stressed from the ongoing construction at our new home, among other things, and eager to see our riding friends. It was long past time for a ride! I had made our reservation months ago and all that was left to do was to pack up and go. At the very last minute, we decided we needed to get away. Rich changed the rear tire on the bike while I finished packing, and we headed out.
We met Ross and Steve (5ross and Polecat) and Wayne (BlueStreek) in Madison,IN, Thursday evening, then headed for Tennessee Friday morning.

Friday afternoon we made it safe and sound to Madisonville, TN, and had a great evening of BBQ and catching up with a great bunch of folks.

After a meet-and-greet time in the parking lot at the Inn and a great lunch buffet (more BBQ,because if you're in the South, you just HAVE to eat BBQ!), we stood around and chatted some more.

Then the crowd broke up and we went off to ride the beautiful Tennessee and Kentucky roads. The highlight was a twisty mountain road where at times you could see four turns of the pavement below you. There was more rain, but when you're riding with good friends, a little precipitation is no problem.
Saturday night we stayed in Cave City, KY, then all split up Sunday morning to head for home. Our destinations included Michigan, Indiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Kentucky. Thank you to the GL1800Riders forum, the RidersRally forum, and ClosetChef for bringing us all together for a few hours!