The leaves are unfurling and flowers blooming. Spring, at last! It's been a long, long winter, and a tough one. Unemployment is rampant in our area, as it is in most places. We are both still working, but Rich's job is slow. We shall dig in and hang on.

Here is our big, handsome boy!
Some things that have happened: Rich got the bike out and had his first ride of the year in early March.

My sister and her husband bought a brand-new GoldWing.

A long-time friend of our family

The marsh marigolds bloomed:

Our grandson loves to go out and look for fishies in our little stream...

And play on Dead Walnut Tree:

That's his daddy there with him. Robby was walking alongside the tree and saw a branch that had fallen to the ground. He said, "That's broken, Daddy." Then he turned away and said, "I don't want to see that." :D
I am woefully behind on my deadlines for the 50States socks...Laura has been very patient, but I think I need to kick it into a much higher gear and get it done. New sock pics coming soon!