Christmas, 2010
It was time. I hadn't had my mom's Christmas cookie cutters out since our grandson was born, four years ago. When we were kids, baking the cookies was a huge deal. Mom would make as many as five or six triple batches of cookie dough and spend the whole day baking. Then the family would gather and help with the decorating. We'd make the entire Nativity scene in cookies as well as dozens of Santas, trees, stockings, stars, holly wreaths, and bells. We would load and wrap plates of cookies and drive around our town, delivering them to friends and teachers. It was a wonderful time

This is the all-important 'blob'. It's what's left when you've rolled and re-rolled the dough and cut out all the cookies you can from it. The little, too-small-to-make-a-cookie bit that's left over is a 'blob' and you get to eat it as soon as it's baked. You only get to eat the 'good' cookies if they break or burn.

Here is the Christmas tree that almost didn't make it up this year. We were finishing and painting the drywall in the living room and dining room, and only got the mess cleared away a few days before Christmas. I considered not putting it up this year, but I'm glad I did, now. It does bring a great deal of cheer and it's always so pretty, with all of the ornaments collected through the years. My angel stopped lighting up this year, after twenty years of use. I hope that we'll be able to repair her, but if not she'll have to be replaced.

Ethan in his new hat and mittens, knit by Grandma...

Layla modeling her new tam and mittens, also knit by me...
Opening presents and showing off some of their new goodies....
My Christmas was topped off by a visit from my oldest brother, who lives in Canada. He's been here since Saturday morning, and may be here through the first of January. This is about the most time I've spent with him since we were kids, and I am so enjoying every minute of it. My family has become so fragmented since my mother's death in 1998. It's good to still have this one close connection.
A Happy New Year to one and all!