Broken Arrow Campout October, '05Ross, also known as 5Ross, is a very nice man we know from a Goldwing board where I spend a lot of time, GoldWing Riders. We met him in person at the WOTS rally in North Carolina. He posted a note to the board inviting anyone who was interested to come camping at Broken Arrow Campground in Winamac, Indiana, this past weekend. Ross, Rich and I, and Ross's son and daughter-in-law were the only ones from the board to show up, but several of Ross's GWTA friends came. We invited my sister, Cherryl to come along, and she followed the BYB and camper in her Jeep with camping gear we provided and our dog, Claudia. It was cold! I rode the bike as far as I could stand it, then abandoned Rich to the elements and rode in the car the rest of the way (wuss). It was Cherryl's first time camping, and she got her trial by ice. It got down to the thirties on Saturday night, but with the help of a little electric heater and a warm dog to sleep with, she had a great time, and is now talking about buying her own gear and starting to camp out more in the future!
the intrepid (I think that's a fancy word for 'really cold') campers around the campfire. From left: Bill, Rich, Mikey, Jeff, Ross and Dan.
We had four tents and three pop-up campers (see ours in previous posts). Saturday morning we went into town for breakfast, then most of the campers bundled up and went for a ride on the bikes. Cherryl rode with Rich, while I stayed behind to start supper and have a lovely conversation about books and history with Bill, who is retired from the National Parks system.
Cleaning up after Saturday night's supper: Becky, Ross, Tami...well, Ross said he was helping with the dishes, but it looks like coffee-time to me! Ross's wife, daugher, son-in-law and grandson came out to join us for supper, but did not stay the night.
All packed up and ready to go home: Ross, Dan, Bill, Jeff, Tami, and Cherryl
We came to the consensus that keeping a petting zoo at a campground is not the best idea, especially if you throw in a few free-range chickens (hi, Michelle, lol). The roosters were, ummm, 'insistent' that 4:00 a.m. is truly the most optimal time to get up. As I left our camper at daybreak on Sunday morning, I heard several loud shots in the not-so-distant distance, and thought, "Yeah! No more roosters!", but, alas, it was not to be.
Note to folks who plan to share a campground with others: if your taste in music runs to compositions featuring lots of drums, base, and, apparently, tribal chants, and played very, very loudly, it's polite to turn the music off some time before 2:30 a.m.
(that's 3:30 a.m., Michigan time!)
I'm just saying...
Sorry there aren't more pictures: we were just having too much fun to take any!
Knitting: Cherryl and I both took our socks-in-progress along, but she got a lot more knitting done than I did. I did get three-quarters of the way through my new Yarn Harlot book
(see note above regarding very loud music which made sleeping difficult).
Here's a test: 
You appear to be a Knitting Guru. You love knitting
and do it all the time. While finishing a piece
is the plan, you still love the process, and
can't imagine a day going by without giving
some time to your yarn. Packing for vacation
involves leaving ample space for the stash and
supplies. It can be hard to tell where the yarn
ends and you begin.
What Kind of Knitter Are You?
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