The colors of the world on an overcast day are so much deeper and stronger than when the sunshine is bright. It's a rainy morning here, the sky is cloudy, and the greens and reds and yellows are breathtaking. I know that in a while the sun will shine and the hues and shades will be washed out and pale.
I hope that my colors also shine truest when the sky is dark.
We were supposed to be at the seventh annual Dan Barr Memorial Golf Outing in Hubbard, Ohio, this weekend, but another summer cold for me has kept us home. I hope the weather will be perfect for the outing and that it is another successful day. Thousands of dollars in scholarship money have been raised over the past years to send the children of firefighters, emergency medical personnel, and the like to college. This is the first year we've missed it, and I am so disappointed. It is truly like 'going home' to visit our friends in Hubbard. I hope that we'll be able to make the trip for a visit this fall.

May your colors be bright today.