Saturday, July 17, 2010

I Write Like...
This is a new phenomenon on the Internet, where one can paste a sample of one's writing and it is analyzed to compare it with famous authors. 

I write like
Margaret Mitchell
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Poor Ms. Mitchell...I guess I've read Gone With the Wind too many times over the years! :D

I write like
Margaret Atwood
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

But then, I also write like Margaret Atwood...maybe this all just means that I should have been named 'Margaret'?

Wait...I also write like Kurt Vonnegut. I guess I need to find a writing style of my own.

I write like
Kurt Vonnegut
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
William Gibson
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
Leo Tolstoy
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
Harry Harrison
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Who???  Off to Amazon to do a little writer-research...

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