My friend, Jill sent me a link to this site: RedSweaters . I shall begin knitting tiny red sweaters in honor of our daughter-in-law's brother, who will be going to Iraq soon.
"sometimes you find a plug that perfectly fits a hole you have, and it makes everything OK..."
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
My friend, Jill sent me a link to this site: RedSweaters . I shall begin knitting tiny red sweaters in honor of our daughter-in-law's brother, who will be going to Iraq soon.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
I was tired of the look of the old blog, too dark, too Victorian, too...not me. So I've changed my template to this brighter, cleaner, roomier one. Hope you like it! I've added a button you can steal if you so desire and have the know-how to do so. I know barely enough to create it and then to get it into the template, so you're on your own!
There has been some knitting. I'm past the gusset decreases on my adapted Liz & Frankie socks, and I'm loving them. Pictures to come.
I am home sick from work today...the Crud of the Week continues. sigh. I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. It's cold and snowy and the roads are slick, nevertheless I must haul myself over to the license branch to renew plates and driver's license, since they expire tomorrow on my birthday. Had planned to do it tonight after work, but might as well get it over with and come home to hunker down against the weather.
Thanksgiving tomorrow. I am truly thankful for all that I have, for my family, friends, and home, and for knitting!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Go to this link to read my blog 'translated' into a Cockney dialect: ! It helps to know that some Cockney words are derived from rhyming, so "I 'ave a new Uncle Bob" means "I have a new job" (job rhymes with Bob, you see). Heeheehee!
You can translate into other dialects, too, by going here: Select the dialect you want to try ("Swedish Chef" is funny, too, "Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!"), and type the URL you want to translate into the box.
So, go have some fun!
Oh, and this site is called "Really Bad Jokes"... . Don't say I didn't warn you!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
So, back in September I was at my knitting guild meeting at the not-so-local yarn shop. Jack, the owner of the shop was telling us about some author who was coming to the store. He asked us if there was anyone we'd like to see there.
Now, we're not a quiet group, and it was an especially noisy meeting, so I called out, "Can you get the Yarn Harlot?"
Jack replied, "I can get anyone I want!" We all scoffed, and that was the end of it...or so we thought.
Next thing I knew, in just a couple of days there was an email to the group from Jack, announcing that the Yarn Harlot would be at his shop in, like, a week and a half! Jack had pulled some strings, ordered a bajillion copies of the bookbookbook, and got Stepanie Pearl-MacPhee to shoehorn in a stop at his shop in between a couple of other appearances.

Steph and Cherryl, hangin' at the shop...
Sunday, November 13, 2005

How Cute!
I bought these adorable little sock purses at the shop next to the one where I work. Some will be gifts, but one or two will be for mememe!
Guess which one I picked first?
Notice: NO purple!
I love the little kissing bees. They're attached by a wound-up string. When you pull them apart, they make big smooching sounds and they say, "I LOVE you! I LOVE you!"
Oops! Time for CBS Sunday Morning -- my favorite show of the week! Later...
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Your Birthdate: November 24 |
![]() You understand people well and are a natural born therapist. A peacemaker, people always seem to get along when you are around. You tend to be a father or mother figure to friends, even to those older than you. You enjoy your role, and you find that you are close to many people. Your strength: Your devotion Your weakness: Reliance on others for happiness Your power color: Lilac Your power symbol: Heart Your power month: June |
Friday, November 11, 2005

Now on to something more interesting...
Since I had the day off today I decided to run some errands. My birthday is fast approaching, as is the expiration date on my driver's license and the plates on my car. I went to the license branch...closed for Veteran's Day. sigh... Happy day, Veterans, and thank you! You deserve this special day.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Working is cutting seriously into my knitting time, so I have nothing to report but I didn't want the blog to feel neglected. I am just a few rows from beginning the toe decreases on Rich's boring navy blue Opal socks. There's a shop that sells all sorts of alpaca stuff just across the hall from the shop where I've been working. They have YARN! They're talking about expanding into a full-service yarn shop, which would be disastrous to my budget. I picked up a little finger puppet shaped like an alpaca for my Bottle Swap partner and a couple of skeins of yarn in a pretty, dark green to try out.
Upstairs from our store is a wonderful chocolate shop, and a puppet theater/shop. I bought two sheep puppets there, one for me and one for the lucky partner. I hope she likes puppets! I suspect there will be chocolate in the bottle, too...and probably a skein or two of alpaca yarn.
Nothing else to tell right now. I shall go knit, and maybe have something to show next time.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
I Belong in Gryffindor!
GRYFFINDOR! You scored 20% Slytherin, 16% Ravenclaw, 56% Gryffindor, and 32% Hufflepuff! |
You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart. Gryffindors are known for their courage, audacity, and devotion to what is good and honest. |
![]() |
Link: leeannslytherin on The Sorting Hat Test written by Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Tiny Socks!
These are for my friend, Peggy's, new granddaughter. Quick, easy, and so sweet! I knit them up the other day while midwifing the cat. I used the Basic Sock pattern from Edie Eckman's book, Knit a Dozen Baby Socks. The yarn is, I think, Carnation by LynnH . It was a gift from a friend (Thanks, Laura), and came without a label. That's a quarter there with them, so you can see how tiny they are!
Oh, mama cat and babies are doing well. The midwifing job consists of sitting in the bathroom, and making sure the cat stays in the basket in the closet until the first baby is born, and then just waiting and watching for the rest to come, as she's too busy after that to wander the house. Mama kitty, also known as Callie, the Escape Artist Slutty Cat, is very good at slipping out JUST before each litter of kittens is fully weaned and running off with our wild tomcat. ONE of these days we're going to get her to the vet before she makes her escape. She had four babies this time, two black and two white. She is a very good mommy, though, and always raises beautiful kittens. Anyone looking for a Christmas gift?
Dash and Hershey
Hershey is one of Callie's babies from a previous litter, and Dash (the white one) is Hershey's great-uncle (and the new babies' as well).
The first day at the new job went well, I think. The store is going to be very nice, and will open soon. The owners have a suite of shops, all connected, at the newly rebuilt Davis Mercantile in Shipshewana, Indiana. My shop is called "Back Home Again." Stop in and say hello when you're in town!