Here's the group from at the barbecue Hal threw for us in Hendersonville. It was great to meet some of the folks I've been talking to online and put names and faces together.
The BYB takes a break along the BRP.This is at Looking Glass Falls, along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Just a little while before this, a young man though he could climb the rocks and jump into the waterfall pool without a thought for the depth of the water, I guess. He broke his leg badly. We decided not to try it this trip. Maybe next time!
It just doesn't get any prettier than this...more pictures tomorrow.
"sometimes you find a plug that perfectly fits a hole you have, and it makes everything OK..."
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

We're back!
We got home from North Carolina yesterday after a beautiful trip. The knitting had a good time, too. Wednesday we spent eight hours on the bike getting to Portsmouth, Ohio, where we were to meet friends for the rest of our trip to the Wings Over the Smokies Goldwing motorcycle rally.

Portsmouth Ohio, the Seawall Murals
Portsmouth is a town on the Ohio River. There are 2000 feet of hand-painted murals on the inside of the seawall, depicting Portsmouth, its history, industry, and residents. Here I'm knitting in front of one of the panels. Yeah, I know it's shoelaces, but it was the closest thing they had to anything textile-related! I love this picture beyond all reason -- look how thin I appear to be! Who could ever have suspected that my tiny knitting bag could possibly hide my huge, rounded, umm, posterior! I look fifty pounds thinner, which is probably about what the aforementioned posterior weighs! This is how I look in my mind's eye -- and then my physical eye catches a glimpse of the truth in a mirror. sigh.

This panel honors our armed forces.

That's David (Bash) and Julie ahead of us on their bike. We met them through the bike forum I read, and they set up the ride from southern Ohio to North Carolina. Great people, and terrific travelling companions!
More pictures tomorrow, if there's time.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Well, some would say I'm a bit off all the time, but you know what I mean. Rich & I will be out on the BigYellowBike for a few days.
So I sat down to pack up my knitting for the trip. I'm trying very hard not to Pack More Than I Can Possibly Knit. Very hard, especially as luggage space on a motorcycle is, umm, "limited" so I have to decide what to leave behind.
What do you think -- do we really need an atlas?
I think one change of underwear might last me a week, right?
Hmmm. Maybe if I wear all of my clothes instead of packing some?....
Hey Cherryl, thanks for spending the weekend with the cats. Would you mind terribly doing the nasty litter-box thing some time Sunday? Oh, and Friday, too, if the kids have forgotten to do it. I'll make it up to you, I promise. You are a pearl beyond price. If I get any small packages while I'm gone, you're welcome to open them. Feel free to be envious! ;~D

Here are the BYB and Mini-Me, my little Honda Rebel. Mini-Me is not accompanying us on this trip. This picture makes me laugh -- I always forget how HUGE the BigYellowBike is!
Monday, September 19, 2005
A pirate with a steering wheel protruding from his fly walked into a bar and ordered a tot of rum. The bartender tried to ignore the steering wheel and served the pirate's drink...but curiosity got the better of him.
"Excuse me," said the bartender, "but I can't help but notice that there's a steering wheel in your fly...?"
"Ayyyyy," said the pirate, "it drives me nuts!"
Well, I didn't say it was funny, now did I? Arrrgh! At least I didn't say 'arse'. oops.
My knitting guild, Stranded in Michiana buried me with donations for the Restash Network yesterday! My car was so full it took Rich and me five trips to bring it all into the house. Here are a few pictures of the loot they sent home with me:

I hope you can get some idea of how much yarn there is here. I have a large kitchen table, and it was completely covered with every imaginable color of acrylic worsted-weight yarn.
A lot of this will go to Paulette in Texas, who is teaching kids in shelters how to knit.

There's Misti Alpaca laceweight, two big hanks of rayon chenille, a HUGE hank of fine cotton in charcoal gray, some vintage Bear Brand wool, two full cones and several balls of kitchen cotton, a ziploc bag full of tiny balls of mohair.
The pale green yarn in the background is some kind of wool from France that looks like there might be some mohair in it. There must be a dozen balls of that.
One of the guild members gave me a check for $25.00 to help cover postage -- thanks, Elizabeth, and thank you everyone for your generosity! I still have two boxes and three large shopping bags full of yarn to be sorted and shipped.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

So, I got this wonderful yarn from Kathryn in Australia today. It took only 6 days to go all that often takes 8 days for a letter to go 11 miles from our bank to our house!
230 grams of fingering-weight 100% merino wool. Hand-dyed. Did you notice it came from Australia? Kathryn dyed it herself, using powdered food color, apparently the counterpart of the Wilton paste food colors we use here.
It's beautiful. It makes me wish I were more poetic. It looks like a bowl of fresh summer berries. It was in a horrible tangle when it arrived, and took 6 1/2 hours to unsnarl and wind into two wonderful, plump, center-pull balls. Worth. Every. Minute.
Now...socks or shawl? socks or shawl? socks or shawl?
Tom is intrigued by our camper and wants to see more pictures. Here it is, with the awning and screen room removed.

From the front, sleeping area on right, dressing area on left.
There was a picture of the camper closed, too, but it was being obstinate so I've sent it to the corner to think about what it did. That'll teach it. Maybe I'll let it come out and play later.
Sunday, September 11, 2005

A worthy cause...
A group of us have banded together to resupply knitters who lost their yarn, needles, books and patterns in Hurricane Katrina. Here is a link to our home page: The Restash Network
If you would like to make a contribution, please send donations to any of the coordinators listed. We will make sure everything gets to someone who needs it. This may not be an essential need, but will certainly go a long way toward helping people get their lives started again.
Please include a self-addressed, stamped postcard in your shipments, so that we can notify you of their arrival. Thank you!

I finished two more pairs of socks this past week. I really need to get back to work!
Here, at last, are my finished Ducky Dew socks. The pattern is my original design for September '05 for the Sock of the Whenever Yahoo! group. Mine are 'fraternal' socks, because I decided I'd like black boots better after I finished the first sock with red ones.
The yarn is Lorna's Laces, and the colors are not as bright as they look in this picture.

Next on the needles: a little cardigan for our friends' baby, Hannah, and Frankie and Liz socks from the Sockie and Bob and Friends pattern I got in the bottle swap. I think I may put a Ducky Dew on the back of Hannah's sweater, and maybe I'll chart out an umbrella and a pair of boots for the fronts. I'm using Louet Merino Gems Opal yarn, but it's so fine I may rip it out and start over with a heavier yarn so it will get finished while Hannah can still wear it!
Friday, September 09, 2005
A Lovely Surprise Package! One of my Yahoo! groups has an exchange four times a year, called a "Bottle Swap." Anyone in the group can sign up, then the BottleSwapMom mixes up the names and assigns each person a partner. There are five databases in the group files for our personal information, likes, dislikes, and desires. When we receive our partners, we consult the databases and begin gathering goodies to send to them. We pack up the stuff in a bottle or box or plastic storage tote, label it, and ship it off to the lucky recipient.
I feel very pampered! Thank you, Tina!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
As combined birthday and first-anniversary gifts to our son and his wife, we decided to re-do their bedroom. We'd first planned to send them away for the weekend and surprise them with it when they returned, but Nici had to stay and work, so we just barred them from the room while we worked. Our friends Tom, Michelle, and Michelle's daughters Amanda and Ashley, and my sister, Cherryl, came to help.
Nici loves The Lion King and has been wanting a sunset in the colors they used in the movie. I found a mural and some tropical/jungle doodads and gizmos, and we made their room a tropical paradise.

Amanda helped hang the new curtains and we all pitched in to put up the canopy. Ashley and Amanda were our 'gophers' for the project. They unloaded all the goodies from my car, and did a

We added all-new bed linens.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Candy Corn socks,
adapted by me from a pattern on the old SockGuy's page. The yarn is Elsebeth Lavold's Silky Wool. Don't know how well this stuff will hold up as socks, but then, how often am I going to wear socks with candy corn on them anyway? The knitting was actually finished almost two years ago, but I just finally got around to working in all the ends.